Learn To Curl ProgramRichmond Curling Club

Curling is a fun and exciting sport that involves sliding large stones across a sheet of ice towards a target area. The objective of the game is to get as many of your team's stones as close as possible to the center of the target, called the "house".
5-week Learn to Curl Program encompasses the basic skills of delivering a rock which includes
- stance and delivery,
- grips and turns,
- sweeping and weight control
- the last week focused on strategy
The emphasis in the Learn to Curl Program is to give an introduction to curling in a safe, supportive and fun atmosphere.
Wear warm, stretchy clothes and clean running shoes
Once you've mastered the basic technique of throwing the stone, you can start learning more advanced strategies, such as how to "curl" the stone around obstacles, or how to use different types of shots to control the speed and trajectory of the stone.
Another important aspect of curling is teamwork. During a game, players work together to strategize and make decisions about how to best place their stones. Curling is a great way to bond with friends and family, and it's also a great way to stay active.
Additional Fees
CurlBC/Curling Canada affiliation: $20 (pay only once per year per individual regardless of how many clubs/leagues a person is registered in BC)
